Maura Zagrans

Maura Zagrans
Maura Poston Zagrans Author, Poet, Photographer

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Maura Reviews The Goldfinch

The GoldfinchThe Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I dislike being that cranky curmudgeon who does not find what others are enthusing about in a book. However reluctant I am to admit that I cannot get on board the Donna Tartt train, the truth is, I am unable to join the flock trilling praises for THE GOLDFINCH.

I couldn't wait to finish the book because I was anxious to be done with it. With one exception, the worlds that Theo inhabits are never anywhere that I want to be, and so I was itchy to turn the pages as quickly as possible so I could get the hell out of wherever he was.

My greatest criticism with the character Tartt has drawn is this: if Theo is so stinkin' bright, how can he be so naive--scratch that; as long as I'm being honest--stupid as to not know anything about life insurance benefits, or how to convey the facts about his abusive grandparents and alcoholic father to adults who can help? Why does he go so unprotesting from safety and a summer spent sailing to the desert of his father's care? Not even PTSD, or an unresolved Daddy-complex can explain this level of naivete. Theo's extreme "I'm out of it" innocence reflects the mentality of, say, a normal five-year-old.

To my way of thinking, Tartt's first person POV is written from much too great a distance. We all have certain blind spots about ourselves, but Theo's are so massive they defy credibility. I tried to believe Tartt when she told me that Theo was brilliant. However, there is too much about what he does that contradicts his literary mother's bragging rights. The best I can give her is that she created a character whose black-out drunkenness is mirrored by the black-holes in his brain.

Tartt's philosophical wrap-up is lovely. But in a book of 756 pages, that's just not enough loveliness to counterbalance the hours spent reading about puking and vomit, mindless materialism, and bloodied, drugged, wasted human potential. Ugh. Get me outta here.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Father Dave and St. Therese of the #LittleWay

I thought I had Father David Link all figured out. I spent three years of my life immersing myself in his life story and then writing a book about him. But it was not until I read Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese de Lisieux and Three Gifts of Therese of Lisieux, by Patrick Ahern, that I fully comprehended the colossal secret behind his success. This secret is the Little Way of St. Therese.

Let me explain.

St. Therese is a role model of how one’s own “littleness” can be used to great advantage. She saw herself as a tiny white flower blooming for just a moment of time in this awesome universe. Keenly aware of her smallness vis-a-vis the overall scheme of things, her genius was in discovering a redeeming purposefulness in performing even the most anonymous tasks with immense love. Her living legacy is the brilliant insight that all of us can do the same.

Having read Therese’s autobiography and, subsequently, Bishop Ahern’s book about her, I am thunderstruck by the uncanny connections between the little saint and the subject of my book.

Therese chose to use her days on earth as if they constituted a forward march straight into the outstretched arms of Love itself. The cadence by which she stepped was “confidence, nothing but confidence” – confidence, that is, in a God who is merciful, tender, and very much in control. In fact, whatever Therese was asked to do was accomplished with equanimity, humility, and confidence.

Curiously, as if they were bookends, Dave Link represents a counterbalance to Therese’s signature style. Even though Dave has been asked to do some very important things, he fulfilled those callings with equanimity, humility, and confidence. This is because, like Therese, he maintains a sense of proportion.

He knows that we are but a grain of sand. Even so, he realizes that each one of us is an integral part of God’s master plan. Thus every action undertaken by every one of us is essential, potentially redemptive, and important.

Father Dave gives his late-wife, Barbara, to whom he was married for forty-five years, credit for whatever good he has achieved in his careers as an attorney, academic leader, and as a priest and prison chaplain. That Barbara nurtured a lifelong devotion to St. Therese explains some of the uncanny connections that color the late-in-life-career of this accomplished professional who, having everything, could be doing almost anything.

Therese made her final profession of vows on September 8, 1890. September 8 is Barbara’s birthday.

Dave and Barb were married on July 12, 1954. July 12 is the wedding date of Therese’s parents (both of whom have been beatified).

Dave and Barbara Link were deeply involved in their home parish, St. Therese, Little Flower Catholic Church in South Bend. They were also profoundly committed to helping the homeless of South Bend (Dave is co-founder of the renowned

St. Therese is the patron saint of priests; St. Barbara is the patron saint of prisoners.

Like Therese, Dave traded an easier existence for a purpose-driven life. When he could have taken a vacation, he strapped on a tool belt as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity instead. When he could have been enjoying a roaring fire at home, he plowed through snowstorms and kept watch over homeless men in a subterranean shelter. And now, at a time when he could be golfing or visiting his children and grandchildren, he chooses instead to go behind the razor wire where, as chaplain at six of Indiana’s state prisons, he shows incarcerated men that miracles can happen when they choose to walk the Little Way.

Dave shares Therese’s philosophy that we will not be evaluated on the works we have performed when we are summoned from this earthly life. The question, says Dave, will not be, What have you done? Rather, it will be, Did you act in such a way that other souls were led to Me? Have you brought any camerados along with you to the gates of My heaven?

Father Dave inhabits a place in my heart that is reserved for just a few. His gentle constancy and wellspring of strength remind me of my beloved father. His goofy sense of humor reminds me of what it was like growing up with five incorrigible brothers.

He is admirable but fallible.

He inspires me but, even so, he is, quite simply, one of us.

I walked away from my first meeting with Father David Link knowing that he was someone special. Of course, I did not yet appreciate the many aspects of his extraordinariness. But I came to understand that he is whom he is because, like St. Therese, he works confidently, lives compassionately, and loves completely. And these are things that all of us can do.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Jack Kerouac and St. Therese of the #LittleWay

Between the lines of some of Jack Kerouac’s best writing is the veiled presence of the author’s chosen patron saint, St. Therese de Lisieux.

Known the world over as the Little Flower of the Little Way, the famously on-the-road Kerouac admired French-born Therese Martin for her childlike faith and guilelessness. It was to her that he directed many of his prayers; it was from her that he received comfort. He must have been enchanted by the images of little lambs and fragrant roses that were associated with the young saint, for they appear in his books over and over again. Much of his work is infused with the unabashedly childlike innocence associated with St. Therese. Indeed, her aura pulsates throughout his books as if it is the very heartbeat of his prose.

St. Therese and Kerouac shared a great deal in common. Both were life-long seekers of the reunion with the Divine. Both had been gifted with rare faculties that allowed them to see the world through ancient eyes and appreciate all of creation with their poetic souls. Both of them revered, and were contented in, nature.

In her autobiography, Story of a Soul, Therese describes an idyllic childhood in which she played outdoors with her sisters and took daily walks with her father. During one walk, her father plucked a little white flower that was growing from a patch of moss in a wall made of stone and gave it to her. It was not lost on the little girl that he had taken care to pull the blossom out with the roots still intact. Using this as a teaching moment, her father explained that God had taken ineffable care to nurture and preserve this little flower. It was a watershed moment for Therese, who later recalled, “While I listened I believed I was hearing my own story.” Even as a young child, Therese was exquisitely aware that the choices we make in how we live our lives have an impact on the living world around us.

So, too, was it essential to Kerouac that he live in respectful harmony with animals and nature. As an author, Kerouac wrote this veneration right into his work. Tender references to creatures great and small as well as a burning appreciation for the majestic awesomeness of this world make for some of Kerouac’s most lyrical, memorable, quotable prose.

Significantly, in his first published work, Kerouac gives to the autobiographical family whose story is chronicled in The Town and The City St. Therese’s own surname, which was Martin. But St. Therese’s influence can be seen and felt in countless other ways throughout the entire body of his work. In The Dharma Bums, for example, the opening scene shows Kerouac, who has just hopped a freight train, meeting a bum on the lam. Pulling a tiny clipping from his pocket, the stranger explains that he has carried this copy of a St. Therese prayer for years and that he reads it “most every day.” From then on, Kerouac refers to this man as “the little St. Therese bum.”

In a sense, these opening chapters of The Dharma Bums are a symbolic gift from Kerouac to St. Therese. They are Kerouac’s attempt to provide St. Therese with closure on an unsettling episode she recounted in her autobiography:

During the walks I took with Papa, he loved to have me bring alms to the poor we met on the way. On one occasion we met a poor man who was dragging himself along painfully on crutches. I went up to give him a coin. He looked at me with a sad smile and refused my offering since he felt he wasn't poor enough to accept alms. I cannot express the feeling that went through my heart. I wanted to console this man and instead I had given him pain or so I thought. The poor invalid undoubtedly guessed at what was passing through my mind, for I saw him turn around and smile at me. Papa had just bought me a little cake, and I had an intense desire to give it to him, but I didn't dare. However, I really wanted to give him something he couldn't refuse, so great was the sympathy I felt toward him. I remembered having heard that on our First Communion Day we can obtain whatever we ask for, and this thought greatly consoled me. Although I was only six years old at this time, I said: "I'll pray for this poor man the day of my First Communion." I kept my promise five years later, and I hope God answered the prayer He inspired me to direct to Him in favor of one of His suffering members. It is as though Kerouac attempted to write into the script of the universe a new connection that would enable St. Therese to feel the satisfaction she had been denied in the moment. Breathing new life into the old cripple, Kerouac gave him legs strong enough to jump a boxcar and brought him all the way from France to America where, with the help of the sustaining prayers of the little saint, her devotee rides the rails.

Two hundred-some pages later, Kerouac invokes the spirit of St. Therese in a rush of ecstatic prose. Writing of “little flowers that grew around the rocks” and “children and the innocent,” Kerouac vows to love as she loved: “Okay world,” I said, “I’ll love ya.”

Kerouac’s friends were witness to the author’s exceptional powers of observation. They say that his eyes functioned like movie cameras, capturing images that he then stored in a recall vault so flawless they nicknamed him “Memory Babe.” Thus there can be no doubt that Kerouac knew what he was about when he concluded The Dharma Bums. He surely knew that the final words uttered by the twenty-four-year-old nun on her deathbed were, “My God, I love you!” And so, when we read on the last page of The Dharma Bums,

       …I said, “God, I love you” and looked up to the sky and really meant it.

we recognize that Kerouac is wrapping the ending right back around to the beginning pages where we were introduced to “the little St. Therese bum who was the first genuine Dharma Bum I’d met.”

In his work and in the way he lived his life, Jack Kerouac did his best to shine a light upon and to follow the Little Way of St. Therese. I’d like to think that she was among the first to embrace him as he stepped from this world into the next.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Book review of The Signature of All Things

The Signature of All ThingsThe Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Only Elizabeth Gilbert, whose success allows her to do pretty much whatever she wishes, could have gotten away with publishing such an epic, ponderous work. Lucky for us that she has this kind of clout.

What makes this novel so, well, novel, is its artful blending of writing styles. Somehow, Gilbert has updated classic Russian literature by writing a contemporary plot with a Victorian quill pen. Whenever one metaphor would do, Gilbert gives us three, the net effect of which is to leave other authors standing in the midst of a smoking, bombed-out, post-nuclear figure-of-speech landscape.

Drawing rooms, pristine forests, sea voyages around the world, and life on several continents are backdrops as characters debate the meaning of life, the folly of human relationships, and the delicate interplay between science and spirituality. I heard Gilbert's own voice as she wrestled to place all possible answers along a continuum, and I was inspired to refine the articulation of my personal philosophies.

This is a book that demands a significant investment of time. For me, this investment was repaid with interest when I arrived at the ending. Here, Gilbert performs a perfect 10.0 dismount with some of the most perfectly pitched passages I have ever read.

In psychology, there is something known as the Zeigarnik Effect. Inconclusive thoughts fester in our minds because we struggle to close the loop, understand that which was undefined, complete the idea, solve the riddle. In writing a Zeigarnik ending, Gilbert ensures that the inquiry continues long after we close the back cover of THE SIGNATURE OF ALL THINGS.

(I listened to the audio recording, which is performed magnificently by Juliet Stevenson.)

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